Stuff Good Players Should Know

There are some books- or pieces of literature is more like it- that fall in that category  we call “classic.”  A True Classic is a book that stands the test of time.  That gets better with age.  And in the hoops world, that grows more and more necessary with each passing season.  This is why I couldn’t think of a better subject for the inaugural post on this blog than, Stuff Good  Players Should Know, by the late Dick DeVenzio.


First, let me tell you what this book is not.  It is not fluff.  I don’t know about you, but I often feel swindled out of $10-$20 on most how-to or self improvement books I buy.  This is mostly because this genre is full of slick publishing companies and marketers promising to make your life better if you read their content, but often fail to provide you- the reader- with real, actionable practices that can be implemented immediately. This is not the case with Stuff!

This is not a book you will find on the front shelf of your local big box bookstore/espresso bar.  You won’t see your favorite celebrities caught toting it around in the pages of Us Weekly. However, this doesn’t mean that this book is not well known, or widely read- the copy that I have was on its 11th printing back in 1997- and it has had additional printings since then.  No, this book is very well known; but it’s well known among a very specific crowd.  A crowd that I’m sure you find yourself navigating in and out of- otherwise you wouldn’t be reading these words right now.  The crowd I’m talking about is a select group.  A group that is crazy about basketball. A group that has another level of reverence for what most would look at as, “just a game.”  A group that one may categorize as, True Ballers.  True Ballers can be players, coaches, or fans.  But they all have one thing in common:  an understanding that the game is more than a game.  And if you consider yourself to be a True Baller right now, or maybe aspire to be one some day, then Stuff Good Players Should Know, must be the very next book you read.


In short, Stuff! is a treasure.  A copy of this book in your hands is like having unlimited access to a master class of how the game should be played.  Dick DeVenzio, the author of Stuff!  was an absolute True Baller, and you can learn more about him here.  He shares with you an encyclopedic wealth of knowledge of the game.

And since the book is full of such detailed information, it is actually organized like an encyclopedia.  Each topic is organized alphabetically in short chunks.  I find this to be a very useful approach because you don’t have to read Stuff!  from cover to cover.  The book is organized into short chunks like, “Ball Defense: Get in His Bubble,” “Defending a Stronger Player,” and, “Get Open Inside With The Hook Step.” I’m mean, just from the titles of these sub sections you can get a sense of the quality of the instruction in this book.  And there’s over 300 pages of it!


Here is a link to a pdf 9 page excerpt from the book provided by the organization Dick DeVenzio founded, PGC Basketball.  EXCERPT

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